Sunday, January 22, 2012

HUD RESPA Questions and Answers.

No matter what type of employment you have in the mortgage business - a loan officer, a branch manager, a mortgage processor a little know document published by HUD in April 2010 is a must read for any mortgage professional interested in navigating the complex GFE disclosure rules.

The document answers a lot of questions that come up in every day origination and disclosure.
How should you disclose seller paid items?
How should you disclose a no cost loan?
How to re-disclose a rate lock?
When does a LO have to provide a list of providers?
What happens if the LO does not provide a list of providers?
How does the section of the GFE correspond to the HUD-1?

The answers might surprise you.  

Here is link to the full Q&A RESPA document published by HUD.

I hope you find this information useful - If you would like information about a branch opportunity please visit my website